Start with art.
Are you self-isolating in your home right now? Are you an artist who previously relied on freelance work for income? Don’t stop creating- we want to share your art. Find inspiration in the shrinking walls around you.
Submit it.
Email your photos (5 max), drawings, paintings, short stories, poems, and music to
Please provide details about yourself and your work, and include your preferred social handles and web links.
Then keep coming back to this website to see what everyone’s making!
This can’t last forever, right?
I sure hope not! When we are all able to hold hands again, the zine will be made available in physical form. Perhaps it can be sold with all profits going to a related cause of our choice! That would be cool.
Either way, we can make connections in the creative industries that last far beyond this strange stint in time. Happy Quarantini!
Editorial Assistant: TRICK DAWSON